Thursday, 15 April 2010

What I am interested in?

As Dale Carnegie in his book 'How to win friend and influence people' states, what every person is the most interested in is 'MYSELF'.

So,  knowing this principal factor, I'll now list other things that I am interested in:

- not what my body represents, or what I represent through my body, or if my body is me, or I am what my body is. Tratatarara: my body represents my personal history (ideology of my parents, media, friends, accidental experiences), my body is a part of time and space, is created by the environment and part of it, my body is mine, but until I realize all this influence , and until I'll exclude them is not me.

- artificiality: natural changed so its no real- no honest- no obvious- no sure. And from the other side artificial that becomes real, new, and have the same rights to exist as natural.

- what artificial means, am I artificial when I am aware of my actions, behaviour and movements?

- how do I change natural to be artificial?

- how do I create artificial that becomes natural, meaning:alive.

By the way; the art, revolution starts when u're more interested in other people then yourself- D.Carnegie

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